There are times in life when we live the moment of sheer satisfaction of achieving something, the moments which capture our mind and soul n make us forget everything else around.
These are very crucial moments, not only because of they arrived as an outcome of drudgery went in to achieving something but also because they take the real test of a person. A person is sure to get excited over an achievement and he might behave in two ways over it.
He may feel humble and thankful towards god n towards those who helped him in the journey or he might end up developing a rude behavior belittling everyone around him. Here exists a very thin line between these behaviors and the person is not able to discern it as he gets trapped within his own feelings.
There have been times where I have got caught in similar situations.
We set a target, we work hard to achieve it and meanwhile the almighty also helps us move in right direction by making us read his omens, we achieve the target n move towards working for another one. And between this, the “I” starts developing (while we r unaware of its existence). we become overconfident and rude n start emitting negative vibes while living in false self assumed happy life..
But he (the almighty) has his own bigger scheme in place :) subsequently the Almighty
Puts the person in a situation where he desperately desire something from his heart, but the circumstances are such that they don’t let him achieve it…He tries hard but fails, Now he feels disgust over what he assumed to be his power (coz he feels no use of it) This is the moment where the person realizes the presence of the greater being, the being who is the ultimate source n the ultimate destination of all other beings. He bows down n completely surrenders to the almighty realizing his mistakes….And yes as always he is forgiven :)
Isn’t it relates to us all?
We all commit such mistakes at some point of time, and the almighty teaches us in similar way….
But the most important thing to realize is, that HE was there when we were working hard (showing us the omens), HE was there when we felt happy after achievement (giving us blessings), HE was there when we went wrong out of overconfidence (showing us the bigger truth of life)……
He was there, he is here n he will be there……
Friday, May 21, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Slow down n hear.....
Just back from the Park, today wasn’t like the usual daily visit. Though nothing miraculous happened but sometimes you stop n observe things (which r same as always) from different perspective. Similar was the case with me today,
Took a few rounds of the park, got tired n took a bench to sit n relax (this too as always).
But today was a different day, I felt closer to the Mother Nature and realized that it has its own unique omnipresent way to teach us the art of living life.
Whether it is the children playing around, the way they get fully absorbed in the play, the way their faces gets filled with divine ecstasy on all little (sweet) achievements forgetting the world around them, who reminds how we have long forgotten to enjoy small things in life n the art of doing one thing at a time giving fully to it.
Or the huge old trees. Standing tall in all odd n atrocious conditions still looking aesthetic, who reminds how much "is" perseverance important to succeed in life.
The water flowing in the fountain, as if its saying that “ I have traveled mountains as a river, flown down as rain only for you” , Telling how pure n lovely is to dedicate oneself completely for others.
Beautiful shining starts in the sky, making their presence felt from far away by burning themselves, signifying “distances doesn’t matter, difficulties doesn’t matter” if you have the will you too can shine one day.
Birds flying high in the sky, with full faith that their wings wont let them down even at further heights, showing that any n every thing is achievable if you have confidence in your capabilities.
And the most important thing, with such activities taking place n numerous things taking their toll, It (nature) still maintains its calmness n serenity, depicting the importance of being always humble n down to earth (no matter what so ever you become).
I learnt it today “Read the omens n listen what the nature has to tell” , life will become easy n beautiful…… :)
Took a few rounds of the park, got tired n took a bench to sit n relax (this too as always).
But today was a different day, I felt closer to the Mother Nature and realized that it has its own unique omnipresent way to teach us the art of living life.
Whether it is the children playing around, the way they get fully absorbed in the play, the way their faces gets filled with divine ecstasy on all little (sweet) achievements forgetting the world around them, who reminds how we have long forgotten to enjoy small things in life n the art of doing one thing at a time giving fully to it.
Or the huge old trees. Standing tall in all odd n atrocious conditions still looking aesthetic, who reminds how much "is" perseverance important to succeed in life.
The water flowing in the fountain, as if its saying that “ I have traveled mountains as a river, flown down as rain only for you” , Telling how pure n lovely is to dedicate oneself completely for others.
Beautiful shining starts in the sky, making their presence felt from far away by burning themselves, signifying “distances doesn’t matter, difficulties doesn’t matter” if you have the will you too can shine one day.
Birds flying high in the sky, with full faith that their wings wont let them down even at further heights, showing that any n every thing is achievable if you have confidence in your capabilities.
And the most important thing, with such activities taking place n numerous things taking their toll, It (nature) still maintains its calmness n serenity, depicting the importance of being always humble n down to earth (no matter what so ever you become).
I learnt it today “Read the omens n listen what the nature has to tell” , life will become easy n beautiful…… :)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
A lil of heart to it....
Almost each passing day, each passing decision, each passing step taken we often get in to dilemma of “Right or wrong”. No body lets you become brave enough to consider something from your heart without making you evaluate on basis of terms like ‘moral-immoral, ‘right-wrong’, ‘socially acceptable-not acceptable’.
Very first thing, are we actually born to live our life? or just born to comply with the so called acceptable norms n values circumscribing us. It looks as if we are born to add to the number[ :( yaha bhi] which support n justifies socially formulated rules and regulations.
To be very frank the very concept of ‘right or wrong’ is intricate. The question is who Is the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong, Its not written any where and even if it is written( laws) then who has written it, we only have written it.
What is ‘right’? I would link it to mass perception, if a significant section of people consider something acceptable then it becomes ‘right’ and every thing else deviating from it is wrong. This is how laws are made; this is how social norms n values are set.
So, what if you get in to such dilemma .When your heart says it n you feel internally convinced for something but it is ‘wrong’.
Well my way of doing is that I relax for a while and ask myself that am I ready to take responsibility of the aftermath and I make sure whatever I do it has the support of ma heart; coz then only I can surrender myself fully n enjoy doing it :)
No fun following rules which i don’t believe in and ma heart says no to :)
Very first thing, are we actually born to live our life? or just born to comply with the so called acceptable norms n values circumscribing us. It looks as if we are born to add to the number[ :( yaha bhi] which support n justifies socially formulated rules and regulations.
To be very frank the very concept of ‘right or wrong’ is intricate. The question is who Is the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong, Its not written any where and even if it is written( laws) then who has written it, we only have written it.
What is ‘right’? I would link it to mass perception, if a significant section of people consider something acceptable then it becomes ‘right’ and every thing else deviating from it is wrong. This is how laws are made; this is how social norms n values are set.
So, what if you get in to such dilemma .When your heart says it n you feel internally convinced for something but it is ‘wrong’.
Well my way of doing is that I relax for a while and ask myself that am I ready to take responsibility of the aftermath and I make sure whatever I do it has the support of ma heart; coz then only I can surrender myself fully n enjoy doing it :)
No fun following rules which i don’t believe in and ma heart says no to :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Going off road
“Ajmal Amir Kasab to be exact was finally convicted to death by the special court today”
Whole country is enjoying with his conviction finally declared and made official, Family of those affected and other people came on roads to show their emotions and the sense of achievement.
Well interesting to see hundred odd billion “Humans” enjoying n watching another human being sentenced to death. And the reason being stated is that this will give other like minded militants a lesson and they will abstain from such monster deeds .But does this reason hold base when people being talked about are the so called ‘holly worriers’ who are blinded by religion to such an extent that they are happily ready to die for it.
This logic goes beyond my understanding, how can you intimidate a person for not doing something by giving fear of death when he himself is voluntarily ready to kill and die.
And no offense for this statement coz I am also as patriotic for my country as you all are.
But such acts will instead rage more dissent and anger in already belligerent minds, because the base of terrorism is the feeling of hatred against other humans. So, we need to come out with a solution which targets this basic root of terrorism and yes catching & killing terrorists is not the right one.
In fact in my view the kasab case is the best ever opportunity to initiate in the right direction. Why not reform and rehabilitate him, and set an example to others that this (terrorism) is not the right path to tread upon. Others will be able to see that if such hardened militant can reform and understand the true meaning of humanity i.e. ‘love for all’ then why cant them. We can reform kasab and use him as a mediator and as a means to reach other militants, and show them the path to universal brotherhood,
As Jesus said ‘love is the only tool that can save humanity’, this was true at that time and it is relevant in present context also.
This was not intended to hurt any ones feeling, were just my personnel views :)
Whole country is enjoying with his conviction finally declared and made official, Family of those affected and other people came on roads to show their emotions and the sense of achievement.
Well interesting to see hundred odd billion “Humans” enjoying n watching another human being sentenced to death. And the reason being stated is that this will give other like minded militants a lesson and they will abstain from such monster deeds .But does this reason hold base when people being talked about are the so called ‘holly worriers’ who are blinded by religion to such an extent that they are happily ready to die for it.
This logic goes beyond my understanding, how can you intimidate a person for not doing something by giving fear of death when he himself is voluntarily ready to kill and die.
And no offense for this statement coz I am also as patriotic for my country as you all are.
But such acts will instead rage more dissent and anger in already belligerent minds, because the base of terrorism is the feeling of hatred against other humans. So, we need to come out with a solution which targets this basic root of terrorism and yes catching & killing terrorists is not the right one.
In fact in my view the kasab case is the best ever opportunity to initiate in the right direction. Why not reform and rehabilitate him, and set an example to others that this (terrorism) is not the right path to tread upon. Others will be able to see that if such hardened militant can reform and understand the true meaning of humanity i.e. ‘love for all’ then why cant them. We can reform kasab and use him as a mediator and as a means to reach other militants, and show them the path to universal brotherhood,
As Jesus said ‘love is the only tool that can save humanity’, this was true at that time and it is relevant in present context also.
This was not intended to hurt any ones feeling, were just my personnel views :)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
My first post on this account and at a time when my life is taking a new turn.A turn which i always aspired for but always considered a distant one.Finally converted call for IMNU(Nirma University), a great achievement for a average student like me. To be very frank i have never been very good at studies and quite a lazy person(don know how ill be able to manage rigorous schedule at imnu). But it is also not the case that i did not work hard to get it, i remember that time when i was in chandigarh and we used to make sittings of 10-11 hours a day to prepare for cat.Things did not turn up well in last season as i ended up with only 83 percentile in cat.
And yes that was the turning point, i attended a session arranged by Bulls Eye(institute i took cat coaching from) on Motivation taken by Mr Asiit Ghosh.He taught only one thing "live life in a terrific way n never never give up" , simple words but huge impact if implemented in life.
I came back to rohtak after that n joined MBA programme at IMSAR but i had it in my mind that this is not the place for me n i cant compromise with life(one life beautiful life TIME PASS nai karna yaar "tanu this is 4 u" ) and joined career launcher rtk in high spirits. Journey was tough as i had to manage living simultaneous lives. But when god is with you n u belive that "sincere efforts are always rewarded" then it is a constant source of internal conviction n keeps u focused.
Made few true friends in rohtak( life long i hope) who were a source of constant support both in studies n in KEEPING ME OFF STUDIES ;) ....
In an all, it has been a beautiful journey so far and i am determined that i ll keep working to keep it so... :)
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