Saturday, May 8, 2010

A lil of heart to it....

Almost each passing day, each passing decision, each passing step taken we often get in to dilemma of “Right or wrong”. No body lets you become brave enough to consider something from your heart without making you evaluate on basis of terms like ‘moral-immoral, ‘right-wrong’, ‘socially acceptable-not acceptable’.
Very first thing, are we actually born to live our life? or just born to comply with the so called acceptable norms n values circumscribing us. It looks as if we are born to add to the number[ :( yaha bhi] which support n justifies socially formulated rules and regulations.
To be very frank the very concept of ‘right or wrong’ is intricate. The question is who Is the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong, Its not written any where and even if it is written( laws) then who has written it, we only have written it.
What is ‘right’? I would link it to mass perception, if a significant section of people consider something acceptable then it becomes ‘right’ and every thing else deviating from it is wrong. This is how laws are made; this is how social norms n values are set.
So, what if you get in to such dilemma .When your heart says it n you feel internally convinced for something but it is ‘wrong’.
Well my way of doing is that I relax for a while and ask myself that am I ready to take responsibility of the aftermath and I make sure whatever I do it has the support of ma heart; coz then only I can surrender myself fully n enjoy doing it :)
No fun following rules which i don’t believe in and ma heart says no to :)



  1. That's the real UDIT !!!! Lovely write-up! Keep writing.. :)

  2. Absolutely true. All the rules or so called rights & wrongs are nothing but the customised and self security measures of the group who make them. When people sense that something can happen which can effect their monotonous activities and never try it attitude, they build a wall of rule against it so that noone can climb over it & they have to wake up agianst him to prevent their own personal interest. This is our soul & our heart which can tell us what is right or wrong & nobody else. Actually, there is no thing like right or wrong. The only thing is - 'it suits me / it suits me not' & the comfort of majority convert it into rules & regulations. So dare to live life on your own term but with complete honesty with ur heart & soul. U will never harm urself or anyone else that way.

