Sunday, September 26, 2010 the guiding light :)

Who are we, why are we here, who sent us, where will we be going?...........

Nobody knows but everybody ponders. Saints have their own theories, science has its own justifications. But the matter of the fact is, we do not have an answer which actually, ‘is an answer’.

But we cannot stop living because we don’t know where we are heading to. We need not also, because there is one thing which is enough to keep us going, which is enough to give purpose to our life and which actually does. That thing is, ‘the guiding light’. The guiding light which surrounds us all, which moves us all, which gives meaning to us all.

We haven’t seen it, coz it never discloses its presence by saying it all. It, in its own surreptitious and ambrosial way of making things realise, throws light on the way which it wants us to tread.

It takes the form of sun which awakes and fills us with endurance at the start of a beautiful day, and the wind that slowly combs our hairs and discloses the divine truth, ‘keep moving, coz that is your destiny’. Or the food we eat saying as you need food for survival, this world too needs good deeds from us all to persist.

It takes the form of bad experiences, teaching us the conscientious way of executing things. Or sometime bountiful experiences, telling that there is always a better part of life.

The way it ensures that someone is always there when we are low, and makes us available when someone else is deceived by life. The way it silently touches us in form of our lovers thought, when we are alone and the way it makes us feel alone & abandoned when we deviate.

It is there as our mother taking care when we are ill, as grass to support when we fall and a stranger to give strength while walking alone at night on a dark road.

Supporting as a father when we grow and as a son when we are old. Manifesting as a miracle at time the doctors give up and a flame of wisdom from elders when hard times turn up.

The all pervasive ‘the guiding light’............ which leaves no need for us to worry, but to just keep moving. As it is there, always ‘as an answer’. :) :)

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