Nature endows its resources equally to all who take birth on this planet, like a mother it feeds all its children with unbiased love and care.
But despite of its efforts, there are many who are still deprived of a safe, healthy and fulfilling life. Some got hit by a natural disaster leaving them wanting for the basic necessities of a happy life, some are unfortunate to take birth in tribal or poor areas of the civilization, some got stranded by their family members forced to stay in orphanages & old age homes, those who are living a destitute life because they belong to the so called lower sections of society, not to forget the victims of national wars & communal terrorism, and many more of our brothers & sisters seized from living a prosperous life.
To some sort of satisfaction there are organizations, who undertake activities to aggrandize the interests of poor, safeguard the natural environment, endeavour community development, contribute towards basic social services and alleviate suffering of the lamented lot of the society. These are the Non Governmental Organization’s (NGO) who undertake the task of recuperating the lives of people.
They work untiringly towards this noble cause, but depend upon society i.e. you and me for the basic resources required to serve it. But as the present scenario puts it, the present resource requirement (monetary funding, human resource, public support) overrules the available pool. Can we let this resource crunch become a reason of the NGO’s failure in accomplishing this distinguished undertaking? Certainly Not! Here is where, we the youth of our nation can step in, it calls for us to voluntarily assume responsibility and start making efforts to help such organizations in building a fair camaraderie.
Let’s not just take one or few initiatives but start a movement, a wave where we all join hands and make it happen. Let us not make it a habit but our culture to do well for our fellow beings. And let us come out of ‘why me, there are others who will do it’ attitude.
We need to imbibe the culture of societal contribution in our daily lives to such an extent, that being humble & generous become our very nature and character itself. There are lot many simple yet effective ways in which we the youth can contribute, I would like to mention some:
• First would be the easiest one(trust me with that) of making monetary contributions to the reliable NGO’s working for societal causes, be it hospitals, schools, orphanages, old age homes, wild life conservation, social peace & harmony, environmental protection, or any one you find relevant. Just make it a habit to donate a small proportion of your monthly earning towards them.
• Start devoting time to the service of these organizations. offer free consultancy to orphanages & old age homes on weekends if you are a doctor, teach in community schools if you are a teacher or an educated professional, help manage NGO’s funds if you are a practising CA or an accountant, help them getting clearances for various projects from govt. If you are a legal advisor, guide them in structuring & becoming self sufficient in terms of fund raising if you are a financial consultant. Whoever you are, whatsoever your profession is, no doubt you can contribute.
• We can always contribute our management skills and help these organizations organize various fund raising events like marathons, fairs, donation camps, awareness programs, various art shows and any innovative way which could be helpful. All it will take is a little effort & time of ours.
• We need to join hands and start collectively lobbying against the government to get various acts & regulations passed, make essential timely alterations in them to safeguard the interest of environment and society(hope that our tapes won’t get leaked in media).
• Let us use internet, social media to create awareness for various issues & causes, make it a fab to discuss them in routine talks, create forums to debate & discuss them, create social games around them, convert them in to case studies & organize competitions to seek creative solutions, and what not!!(Sky is the limit on internet).
• Big corporate and MNC’s have well structured CSR(Corporate social responsibility) departments in line, but what about small & medium scale enterprises who are still untouched(or partly touched). Make groups, plan and meet these small businesses to educate them about benefits of and ways of undertaking CSR, entice them to take initiatives, offer them help, encourage them to make monetary contributions to NGO’s. No doubt this will work.
• There are so many temples and other religious trusts sitting over piles of unused money(don’t know why) in our country, imagine how much additional earnings can be generated if these funds are parked in interest bearing securities, and how much of help it will be of if this money is made available to the disposal of NGO’s.
We can meet the trustees of these associations and educate them of how their money can be invested & the interest there of can be used for societal benefit (while their invest remains safe).
• There is a very well justified fear in minds of donors while donating money, of whether their money will reach the real needy or not. And why not when so many cases of fraudulent fund raising or loots keep on flashing, the donor will fear.
We need a unique solution to this issue; many of us are IT professionals so we can start an E-Portal which acts as an intermediary between the donors and genuine needy people, NGO’s. While a team or dedicated staff tracks down and ensures that each NGO listed on the portal is a genuine one. We can also make it mandatory for the recipients to provide summary of the usage of received funds, this will generate confidence in donors as they can see where their money got used.
Let’s crack down with these and many many more ways and make this world a happy place for the underprivileged too, for then only we could hold the courage look into their eyes.......
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Need for Groundwork..
Lalit Modi (IPL), Suresh Kalmadi (Common Wealth Games), Ashok Chavan (Real Estate Politics & Military establishment), Ramchandran Nair(Housing finance), A Raja (2G spectrum allocation-Telecom), these are the names pervading all corners of the media. No wonder why India stands pathetically low on rankings when it comes to righteousness and relative ease of doing business.
Revelations like these shows on what scale, and how badly governance in India is circumvented by the wires of corruption and lack of surveillance. Had our policies and procedures been stringent and comprehensive, these scams wouldn’t have been unearthed by media but the respective monitoring authorities.
Media has done a very commendable job by investigating and exposing these sporadic mighty misdoings taking place in various organizations. But can we rely only on media to keep an eye over matters relating to corporate governance and others? No! We cannot! Media lacks the required power and authority and as a matter of fact, it is not the job of media to do so. Its job starts when the concerned authorities catch such clandestine illegal activities and bring it to the knowledge of media, so that media can further showcase it to the stakeholders (public).
The scams which reach the eye of media are the ones substantial in scale, but what about those small ones permeating all public, private departments? The ones which keep harassing you and me on quotidian basis.
All said but nothing done. Call for better governance has kept voicing from time to time but only to die in newspaper articles, media reports and government files.
It is the time to take newer initiatives towards better governance on the grass root level, the ones which reach out, which are result oriented, which turns around the way we and our resources are managed. As reference and with my understanding, these are some of the ways in which these initiatives can be taken:
· Whenever some scam gets exposed, the very first outburst of public is towards the elite political leaders. And this is all right because they are responsible for the delivery of justice to people. But before blaming any one we should ask ourselves a question, did we made a thoughtful and well considered decision while choosing our local representatives who further go on to collectively choose the elite ones for the top of hierarchy? We blame MPs for non-performance but forget that the real person concerned with execution of public works in our area is the MLA, whom we never give careful thought while electing.
So it calls for the public to choose the right person for the chair at the bottom of the pyramid, because it is the base only which supports the top.
· You must have noticed big holes on the altogether newly constructed roads in your area, which left you wondering that why didn’t they complete the piping works before constructing the new road itself? Small issue like this and many others make a strong mark on the already starving exchequer.
It calls for a very simple solution, let us create a state level ‘coordination authority’ having offices and operations in all districts, whose sole task will be to consult all concerned departments before any infrastructure development project is initiated. This will not only lead to removal of wastage from the system but will fasten the pace of infrastructure development.
· Have you ever thought, why the people who are concerned with cleaning of roads (the sweepers), the people responsible for the upkeep of street lights, never turn up to show their faces? You will be surprised to know that in many instances there exist no recruited person for the same, they exist only on papers. This is where subcontracting turns to be a menace. Public authorities subcontract these tasks to private contractors who put fake numbers (financials, human resource) to bid and take away the contracts.
This call for a revamp in policies and procedures, there should be cap on the type & amount of work which can be subcontracted (work involving small investments should be handled by authorities themselves while only the big ones involving sizeable investments should be considered for subcontracting).
· Why is the case that for a single work, public is supposed to move to various different departments to get numerous different kinds of documents. A procedure of work based on ‘all departments-single document’ should be religiously followed. This will put the burden of documentation on the authorities and will bring accountability in to the system, because in case of discrepancies an ‘all department-single document’ can be reversely verified with ease.
· The reconstruction of polity after the independence was no more than an extension of colonial arrangements we lived under for several decades, where we have got used to the dictatorship and the emphasis is never to get organised and grouped.
But the situation demands for us to come together and create self help groups or watchdogs, and create responsibility and accountability in local corruption ridden governance. And the existence of aids like RTI will definitely provide enhanced empowerment to the grouped n organized citizens.
Such many more close-to-ground steps and initiatives will have to be undertaken for establishment of responsible and effective governance in our country.
Someone well said it that only good governance is required for an economy to grow because all other issues can be solved easily under the aegis of proper governance.
Revelations like these shows on what scale, and how badly governance in India is circumvented by the wires of corruption and lack of surveillance. Had our policies and procedures been stringent and comprehensive, these scams wouldn’t have been unearthed by media but the respective monitoring authorities.
Media has done a very commendable job by investigating and exposing these sporadic mighty misdoings taking place in various organizations. But can we rely only on media to keep an eye over matters relating to corporate governance and others? No! We cannot! Media lacks the required power and authority and as a matter of fact, it is not the job of media to do so. Its job starts when the concerned authorities catch such clandestine illegal activities and bring it to the knowledge of media, so that media can further showcase it to the stakeholders (public).
The scams which reach the eye of media are the ones substantial in scale, but what about those small ones permeating all public, private departments? The ones which keep harassing you and me on quotidian basis.
All said but nothing done. Call for better governance has kept voicing from time to time but only to die in newspaper articles, media reports and government files.
It is the time to take newer initiatives towards better governance on the grass root level, the ones which reach out, which are result oriented, which turns around the way we and our resources are managed. As reference and with my understanding, these are some of the ways in which these initiatives can be taken:
· Whenever some scam gets exposed, the very first outburst of public is towards the elite political leaders. And this is all right because they are responsible for the delivery of justice to people. But before blaming any one we should ask ourselves a question, did we made a thoughtful and well considered decision while choosing our local representatives who further go on to collectively choose the elite ones for the top of hierarchy? We blame MPs for non-performance but forget that the real person concerned with execution of public works in our area is the MLA, whom we never give careful thought while electing.
So it calls for the public to choose the right person for the chair at the bottom of the pyramid, because it is the base only which supports the top.
· You must have noticed big holes on the altogether newly constructed roads in your area, which left you wondering that why didn’t they complete the piping works before constructing the new road itself? Small issue like this and many others make a strong mark on the already starving exchequer.
It calls for a very simple solution, let us create a state level ‘coordination authority’ having offices and operations in all districts, whose sole task will be to consult all concerned departments before any infrastructure development project is initiated. This will not only lead to removal of wastage from the system but will fasten the pace of infrastructure development.
· Have you ever thought, why the people who are concerned with cleaning of roads (the sweepers), the people responsible for the upkeep of street lights, never turn up to show their faces? You will be surprised to know that in many instances there exist no recruited person for the same, they exist only on papers. This is where subcontracting turns to be a menace. Public authorities subcontract these tasks to private contractors who put fake numbers (financials, human resource) to bid and take away the contracts.
This call for a revamp in policies and procedures, there should be cap on the type & amount of work which can be subcontracted (work involving small investments should be handled by authorities themselves while only the big ones involving sizeable investments should be considered for subcontracting).
· Why is the case that for a single work, public is supposed to move to various different departments to get numerous different kinds of documents. A procedure of work based on ‘all departments-single document’ should be religiously followed. This will put the burden of documentation on the authorities and will bring accountability in to the system, because in case of discrepancies an ‘all department-single document’ can be reversely verified with ease.
· The reconstruction of polity after the independence was no more than an extension of colonial arrangements we lived under for several decades, where we have got used to the dictatorship and the emphasis is never to get organised and grouped.
But the situation demands for us to come together and create self help groups or watchdogs, and create responsibility and accountability in local corruption ridden governance. And the existence of aids like RTI will definitely provide enhanced empowerment to the grouped n organized citizens.
Such many more close-to-ground steps and initiatives will have to be undertaken for establishment of responsible and effective governance in our country.
Someone well said it that only good governance is required for an economy to grow because all other issues can be solved easily under the aegis of proper governance.
Sunday, September 26, 2010 the guiding light :)
Who are we, why are we here, who sent us, where will we be going?...........
Nobody knows but everybody ponders. Saints have their own theories, science has its own justifications. But the matter of the fact is, we do not have an answer which actually, ‘is an answer’.
But we cannot stop living because we don’t know where we are heading to. We need not also, because there is one thing which is enough to keep us going, which is enough to give purpose to our life and which actually does. That thing is, ‘the guiding light’. The guiding light which surrounds us all, which moves us all, which gives meaning to us all.
We haven’t seen it, coz it never discloses its presence by saying it all. It, in its own surreptitious and ambrosial way of making things realise, throws light on the way which it wants us to tread.
It takes the form of sun which awakes and fills us with endurance at the start of a beautiful day, and the wind that slowly combs our hairs and discloses the divine truth, ‘keep moving, coz that is your destiny’. Or the food we eat saying as you need food for survival, this world too needs good deeds from us all to persist.
It takes the form of bad experiences, teaching us the conscientious way of executing things. Or sometime bountiful experiences, telling that there is always a better part of life.
The way it ensures that someone is always there when we are low, and makes us available when someone else is deceived by life. The way it silently touches us in form of our lovers thought, when we are alone and the way it makes us feel alone & abandoned when we deviate.
It is there as our mother taking care when we are ill, as grass to support when we fall and a stranger to give strength while walking alone at night on a dark road.
Supporting as a father when we grow and as a son when we are old. Manifesting as a miracle at time the doctors give up and a flame of wisdom from elders when hard times turn up.
The all pervasive ‘the guiding light’............ which leaves no need for us to worry, but to just keep moving. As it is there, always ‘as an answer’. :) :)
Nobody knows but everybody ponders. Saints have their own theories, science has its own justifications. But the matter of the fact is, we do not have an answer which actually, ‘is an answer’.
But we cannot stop living because we don’t know where we are heading to. We need not also, because there is one thing which is enough to keep us going, which is enough to give purpose to our life and which actually does. That thing is, ‘the guiding light’. The guiding light which surrounds us all, which moves us all, which gives meaning to us all.
We haven’t seen it, coz it never discloses its presence by saying it all. It, in its own surreptitious and ambrosial way of making things realise, throws light on the way which it wants us to tread.
It takes the form of sun which awakes and fills us with endurance at the start of a beautiful day, and the wind that slowly combs our hairs and discloses the divine truth, ‘keep moving, coz that is your destiny’. Or the food we eat saying as you need food for survival, this world too needs good deeds from us all to persist.
It takes the form of bad experiences, teaching us the conscientious way of executing things. Or sometime bountiful experiences, telling that there is always a better part of life.
The way it ensures that someone is always there when we are low, and makes us available when someone else is deceived by life. The way it silently touches us in form of our lovers thought, when we are alone and the way it makes us feel alone & abandoned when we deviate.
It is there as our mother taking care when we are ill, as grass to support when we fall and a stranger to give strength while walking alone at night on a dark road.
Supporting as a father when we grow and as a son when we are old. Manifesting as a miracle at time the doctors give up and a flame of wisdom from elders when hard times turn up.
The all pervasive ‘the guiding light’............ which leaves no need for us to worry, but to just keep moving. As it is there, always ‘as an answer’. :) :)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Play of Emotions
6.30in evening, the boy was sitting in a low mood and was missing someone close who just left for her corresponding place. Was feeling restless and wanted to somehow escape this all galloping feeling.
Decided to make a cup of coffee for him to relax and feel at peace, but the turmoil inside was rigid enough to be encroached easily.
Third cup of coffee and it started raining by that time; cold breeze brought little tranquillity to a highly apprehensive mind. Small droplets of slightly cold rain water on his hand gave celestial pleasure.
Turbulent mind slowly forgot all the pain it was carrying and got hit by a wave of elation. He was delighted to see birds chirping around, soothed by the voice of water touching ground, excited to see happy faces looking for shelter, felt at peace by the aroma of sand wet by the rain water.
The world was a happy place again, happy place for the kids playing in the ground, happy place for the always complaining old lady in the next veranda, happy place for the all exhausted & tired labour working in vicinity, happy place for the mother, for the children, for the father, for all around who were part of the scenery.
And there, sitting quite on the chair with coffee in hand and happiness around. He realised ‘the play of emotions’.
Realised that only few moments back he was in control of negative and distuning emotions and felt de-motivated to do anything, but with a small change in surrounding, merry moments took him over on a joyful ride and filled him with energy to do all his heart says.
Realised that change in surrounding was only a support or an excuse his soul used to get back to its default state. The default state with which god creates all souls, the state of bliss and happiness :)
There and then he made a promise to himself that never in life he will let short term negative emotions to stop his soul to live the way it is meant to by the almighty.
There is one common thread which follows through all the creations of god, be it humans, animals, birds, nature any anything, i.e. “the thread of love & happiness”.
If we want to accomplish the purpose of our existence and ‘live’ our life......THEN RATHER THAN BREAKING, LETS STREGTHEN THIS THREAD BY TAKING THE SAME PLEDGE, AS THE BOY TOOK :)
6.30in evening, the boy was sitting in a low mood and was missing someone close who just left for her corresponding place. Was feeling restless and wanted to somehow escape this all galloping feeling.
Decided to make a cup of coffee for him to relax and feel at peace, but the turmoil inside was rigid enough to be encroached easily.
Third cup of coffee and it started raining by that time; cold breeze brought little tranquillity to a highly apprehensive mind. Small droplets of slightly cold rain water on his hand gave celestial pleasure.
Turbulent mind slowly forgot all the pain it was carrying and got hit by a wave of elation. He was delighted to see birds chirping around, soothed by the voice of water touching ground, excited to see happy faces looking for shelter, felt at peace by the aroma of sand wet by the rain water.
The world was a happy place again, happy place for the kids playing in the ground, happy place for the always complaining old lady in the next veranda, happy place for the all exhausted & tired labour working in vicinity, happy place for the mother, for the children, for the father, for all around who were part of the scenery.
And there, sitting quite on the chair with coffee in hand and happiness around. He realised ‘the play of emotions’.
Realised that only few moments back he was in control of negative and distuning emotions and felt de-motivated to do anything, but with a small change in surrounding, merry moments took him over on a joyful ride and filled him with energy to do all his heart says.
Realised that change in surrounding was only a support or an excuse his soul used to get back to its default state. The default state with which god creates all souls, the state of bliss and happiness :)
There and then he made a promise to himself that never in life he will let short term negative emotions to stop his soul to live the way it is meant to by the almighty.
There is one common thread which follows through all the creations of god, be it humans, animals, birds, nature any anything, i.e. “the thread of love & happiness”.
If we want to accomplish the purpose of our existence and ‘live’ our life......THEN RATHER THAN BREAKING, LETS STREGTHEN THIS THREAD BY TAKING THE SAME PLEDGE, AS THE BOY TOOK :)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Time to take 'common' steps......
It happens with me and I am sure it happens with most of you. In our country whenever and whichever place we go, destitution is all pervasive in various forms. It manifest itself in the form of small children begging on the road, in the form of underpaid labour working roadside in hideous conditions, in the form of long qui in PDS outlets and government hospitals, in the form of old and senior citizens making physical labour for subsistence and many more.
Every time ‘we’ the common man see this picture, feel like doing something for these people but are helpless. So to satiate our feeling of doing something for these people we give money to beggars, donate money to temples, but on an all this all goes waste as it does not contribute towards improving lives of these people.
But this is all problem which everyone talks about, where is the solution, the solution in which we common man can contribute. Let’s try and find some ways in which we can do something or the government can do something to help common citizens contribute towards uplifting the quality of majority of our populace.
We Indians are very generous in terms of giving money to beggars, this is because they are all around us and giving money to them is an easy & convenient way to satisfy our soul. But the money thus donated goes waste making the people dependent on such generosity. There is a solution to it, let us open donation counters in all banks and government offices, the money received through which will go to prime minster relief or development fund. People visit such places on daily routine and would definitely find this a convenient way to donate money (because this way we will know that our money is going in the right hands and will be used for the right purpose). This way money can be clubbed and directed towards various existing & new flagship programmes for poverty reduction.
One underlying reality and a source of great advantage is that despite of being poor and earning quite less a day, poor in India want to and actually save money, but do not find proper means to do that. Banking facilities lack in network to distant places and where they exist, they do not have properly devised schemes to mobilise small savings of poor people. This asks for a unique solution; let us create a mobile infrastructure in all such places. The kiosks or other shops will be provided with a mobile phone with specially formulated e-banking facility; the owner of the shop will accept small deposits in cash (Rs 20, Rs 50 or any amount) and will recharge the customer’s account immediately( same way as we get our mobile phones recharged).The shop owner will get a commission in exchange. This will encourage poor people to save and mobilize their money for investment.
Other way is the one, seeds of which have already been planted but needs to be nourished with more dedication and attention, i.e. Micro Finance. This simple methodology of financing poor and needy people with small amounts of money holds scenario changing capability. All it calls for is that government to encourage banks and other institutions to provide micro finance to poor people, so that they are empowered to come out of poverty on their own.
The theme is that government just need to take steps which facilitates and provide direction, PEOPLE of our country holds the muscle to write and change their own destiny :)
Every time ‘we’ the common man see this picture, feel like doing something for these people but are helpless. So to satiate our feeling of doing something for these people we give money to beggars, donate money to temples, but on an all this all goes waste as it does not contribute towards improving lives of these people.
But this is all problem which everyone talks about, where is the solution, the solution in which we common man can contribute. Let’s try and find some ways in which we can do something or the government can do something to help common citizens contribute towards uplifting the quality of majority of our populace.
We Indians are very generous in terms of giving money to beggars, this is because they are all around us and giving money to them is an easy & convenient way to satisfy our soul. But the money thus donated goes waste making the people dependent on such generosity. There is a solution to it, let us open donation counters in all banks and government offices, the money received through which will go to prime minster relief or development fund. People visit such places on daily routine and would definitely find this a convenient way to donate money (because this way we will know that our money is going in the right hands and will be used for the right purpose). This way money can be clubbed and directed towards various existing & new flagship programmes for poverty reduction.
One underlying reality and a source of great advantage is that despite of being poor and earning quite less a day, poor in India want to and actually save money, but do not find proper means to do that. Banking facilities lack in network to distant places and where they exist, they do not have properly devised schemes to mobilise small savings of poor people. This asks for a unique solution; let us create a mobile infrastructure in all such places. The kiosks or other shops will be provided with a mobile phone with specially formulated e-banking facility; the owner of the shop will accept small deposits in cash (Rs 20, Rs 50 or any amount) and will recharge the customer’s account immediately( same way as we get our mobile phones recharged).The shop owner will get a commission in exchange. This will encourage poor people to save and mobilize their money for investment.
Other way is the one, seeds of which have already been planted but needs to be nourished with more dedication and attention, i.e. Micro Finance. This simple methodology of financing poor and needy people with small amounts of money holds scenario changing capability. All it calls for is that government to encourage banks and other institutions to provide micro finance to poor people, so that they are empowered to come out of poverty on their own.
The theme is that government just need to take steps which facilitates and provide direction, PEOPLE of our country holds the muscle to write and change their own destiny :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Need Salary!! but for what??
‘Why do you want to enter politics?’ ask this question to any aspiring politician and if you are his confidant, then the answer will be ‘lot's of power and money’.
Then why the entire furore politicians are making in demand over their salary hike. Is the fact hidden that politicians in India live a life no less in grandeur than a King?, in fact even the CEO of big MNC’s cannot afford living like their political counterparts.
Let’s try to find out the rationale behind the demand from MP’s for the same.
One factor could be the ‘play of ego’!! “How a class one officer in SAIL, NTPC or any MNC can earn double the amount I do, when in case I am far above him in hierarchy”, Fair enough a reason if the politicians ignore asking themselves ‘who does more work, the SAIL/MNC guy or I’ . And fair enough a reason if they can ignore the fact that the free accommodation they receive on Lutyen’s zone in Delhi, costs near 2.4 lacks a month in rental at market price.
Other reason could be ‘to ensure and to attract intellects, efficient people in to politics it is bare necessary to pay good salaries’. But wasn’t politics or parliamentary setup introduced for the service of society? Isn’t that we require those people in the setup who wish to work for people and not for money (which as a matter of fact is provided in abundance).
Or the reason that ‘once the politicians start receiving good amount of salary, their appetite for money received through unfair means will reduce and so will the corruption’. But quite alarming is the reality that compared to 80’s and 90’s, corruption has increased in direct proportion to increase in salaries now. In fact the greed for money will increase, take an example of a man who earlier earned Rs 1000 a month and use to ask for Rs 10 as bribe, now with increase in his Salary to Rs 3000 while powers remaining the same, wouldn’t he be expecting more money as bribe( as Rs 10 has reduced relative importance for him now).
Between all this, one funny and one of its kind thing is taking place, nowhere in the world people are the sole members of the committee which is formed to decide their own salary structure (as Govinda says ‘this happens only in India ;)
My personal view over the issue is, incentivise the remuneration structure of MP’s. Put some amount as basic remuneration and link other as incentives based on performance or development work undertaken ( May be this way for their own benefit they start doing work).
Then why the entire furore politicians are making in demand over their salary hike. Is the fact hidden that politicians in India live a life no less in grandeur than a King?, in fact even the CEO of big MNC’s cannot afford living like their political counterparts.
Let’s try to find out the rationale behind the demand from MP’s for the same.
One factor could be the ‘play of ego’!! “How a class one officer in SAIL, NTPC or any MNC can earn double the amount I do, when in case I am far above him in hierarchy”, Fair enough a reason if the politicians ignore asking themselves ‘who does more work, the SAIL/MNC guy or I’ . And fair enough a reason if they can ignore the fact that the free accommodation they receive on Lutyen’s zone in Delhi, costs near 2.4 lacks a month in rental at market price.
Other reason could be ‘to ensure and to attract intellects, efficient people in to politics it is bare necessary to pay good salaries’. But wasn’t politics or parliamentary setup introduced for the service of society? Isn’t that we require those people in the setup who wish to work for people and not for money (which as a matter of fact is provided in abundance).
Or the reason that ‘once the politicians start receiving good amount of salary, their appetite for money received through unfair means will reduce and so will the corruption’. But quite alarming is the reality that compared to 80’s and 90’s, corruption has increased in direct proportion to increase in salaries now. In fact the greed for money will increase, take an example of a man who earlier earned Rs 1000 a month and use to ask for Rs 10 as bribe, now with increase in his Salary to Rs 3000 while powers remaining the same, wouldn’t he be expecting more money as bribe( as Rs 10 has reduced relative importance for him now).
Between all this, one funny and one of its kind thing is taking place, nowhere in the world people are the sole members of the committee which is formed to decide their own salary structure (as Govinda says ‘this happens only in India ;)
My personal view over the issue is, incentivise the remuneration structure of MP’s. Put some amount as basic remuneration and link other as incentives based on performance or development work undertaken ( May be this way for their own benefit they start doing work).
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Good and Evil.....who wins will decide the game
Jesus used to tell to his followers about the eternal and the only truth of life. That entire world manifests in just two words ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’. Now this can be interpreted in many ways, but so far no consensus has been reached.
One interpretation is that whatever exists in this world and whatever any human being thinks, does, intend or convey has one and only one root i.e. the balancing act of Good and the evil. Good is often related to Love and Evil to hatred.
Long following and the recent unrest in the beautiful valley of Jammu and Kashmir can also be traced down to the same balancing act. Consider the reason and the purpose which these unmindful people give for creating such social unrest. For militants it is the love for their people, their religion, their motherland which pushes them towards display and expression of hatred towards those whom they consider a threat. For the successive governments in Pakistan it is their love for ego, for self esteem, for power which makes them breed hatred as a tool of self-defence.
For the victim people who come out on roads to show their displeasure and anger by creating civic unrest, it is their love for the unconscious hope of ‘soon living a fair and happy life’ which makes them show hatred. For the religious leaders who take advantage of people’s feelings and misguide them, it is their love for the purpose they consider they are born to fulfil.
So great the god is to create the feeling of Love and so unfortunate we are to use hatred as a means to relish love.
This interpretation clearly depicts the cause for the existence of ‘Bad’ in the world. The very assumption that love can be achieved or experienced by using hatred is wrong. What we need is not the stringent punishment for those who commit such acts, but the very understanding that love can be achieved only by love.
Hope someday people will realise the real purpose of humanity and there will be no place for hatred and suffering but only LOVE.........
One interpretation is that whatever exists in this world and whatever any human being thinks, does, intend or convey has one and only one root i.e. the balancing act of Good and the evil. Good is often related to Love and Evil to hatred.
Long following and the recent unrest in the beautiful valley of Jammu and Kashmir can also be traced down to the same balancing act. Consider the reason and the purpose which these unmindful people give for creating such social unrest. For militants it is the love for their people, their religion, their motherland which pushes them towards display and expression of hatred towards those whom they consider a threat. For the successive governments in Pakistan it is their love for ego, for self esteem, for power which makes them breed hatred as a tool of self-defence.
For the victim people who come out on roads to show their displeasure and anger by creating civic unrest, it is their love for the unconscious hope of ‘soon living a fair and happy life’ which makes them show hatred. For the religious leaders who take advantage of people’s feelings and misguide them, it is their love for the purpose they consider they are born to fulfil.
So great the god is to create the feeling of Love and so unfortunate we are to use hatred as a means to relish love.
This interpretation clearly depicts the cause for the existence of ‘Bad’ in the world. The very assumption that love can be achieved or experienced by using hatred is wrong. What we need is not the stringent punishment for those who commit such acts, but the very understanding that love can be achieved only by love.
Hope someday people will realise the real purpose of humanity and there will be no place for hatred and suffering but only LOVE.........
Thursday, July 29, 2010
CWG masscre
News is spread and its being read by all the stakeholders, “widespread mismanagement and corruption in preparation for the esteemed Common Wealth Games”. Though most of us Indians are not actually surprised by the news, because corruption and mismanagement is something we have grown up with. Starting from taking birth (when our parents pay under table commission to get our birth certificates) to getting admission in to a school, to booking railway tickets for the summer holidays, to getting ration from the so called ‘efficient’ PDS system, to getting a job, applying for & getting pension, ending with our dependents claiming insurance after we head towards heaven (not all), we Indians live with and are used to corruption.
So, what is new here and why the same old thing corruption again is occupying front pages of all news papers. The new thing here is the magnitude and the ease with which an event which is so important for our country is seemingly getting defeated even before it has started, this because of the exercise of their birth right ‘corruption’ by the parties involved. New thing is the image of India as a ‘Sporting country’ is at stake.
Alarming fact is that all the stakeholders of the event (central government, sports ministry, organising committee, and the people of India) despite being aware of the importance the event holds are letting it to be shackled by corruption.
The very first mistake our government made was to believe that it can organise this event own its own, without help and assistance from other countries that have experience of organising similar events. The government should have appointed foreign agencies in the task of planning, implementing, and executing the work of CWG.
Secondly, the role of CVC (central vigilance commission) too is suspicious and inadequate. No doubt that it is investigating the cases of corruption related to CWG fairly. But why did it enter so late? It should have coordinated with the organizing committee from the very beginning to keep a check on corruption.
Thirdly, even if we agree the CWG organizing committee did the task of planning very well but no doubt it failed on the task of coordination. Coordination here holds immense importance from the fact that whole work was divided in to sub-tasks and was outsourced to various contractors. It was supposed to coordinate entire assigned work in terms of time, place, quality and delivery.
Now with only fifty odd days left to the start of the event, government needs to tighten its belts, assume the situation to be a warlike emergency and complete the work by standing on head.
So, what is new here and why the same old thing corruption again is occupying front pages of all news papers. The new thing here is the magnitude and the ease with which an event which is so important for our country is seemingly getting defeated even before it has started, this because of the exercise of their birth right ‘corruption’ by the parties involved. New thing is the image of India as a ‘Sporting country’ is at stake.
Alarming fact is that all the stakeholders of the event (central government, sports ministry, organising committee, and the people of India) despite being aware of the importance the event holds are letting it to be shackled by corruption.
The very first mistake our government made was to believe that it can organise this event own its own, without help and assistance from other countries that have experience of organising similar events. The government should have appointed foreign agencies in the task of planning, implementing, and executing the work of CWG.
Secondly, the role of CVC (central vigilance commission) too is suspicious and inadequate. No doubt that it is investigating the cases of corruption related to CWG fairly. But why did it enter so late? It should have coordinated with the organizing committee from the very beginning to keep a check on corruption.
Thirdly, even if we agree the CWG organizing committee did the task of planning very well but no doubt it failed on the task of coordination. Coordination here holds immense importance from the fact that whole work was divided in to sub-tasks and was outsourced to various contractors. It was supposed to coordinate entire assigned work in terms of time, place, quality and delivery.
Now with only fifty odd days left to the start of the event, government needs to tighten its belts, assume the situation to be a warlike emergency and complete the work by standing on head.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
What is it? Can anybody answer.......?
Well at least I cannot even if I try. It sometimes is in our hands and sometimes it is not, We are born in a family not chosen by us, grow up in surroundings not chosen by us, meet people we confront and again at some level not chosen by us. But we do choose how to treat or behave with the family we get, we choose how to react on the surroundings we get, and choose to absorb what we want to from the people we confront.
Often surges the dilemma that who is to be blamed or held responsible in case something goes wrong or some change occurs, but is it the right question to ask?
Shouldn’t we ask that why at all someone has to be blamed or held responsible? Why somebody has to take the responsibility? Why can’t we just take the situation as a learning experience and come out as wise beings evolving with each passing moment, each passing experience, each passing mistake, each passing success or each passing defeat. Why at all is this blame game................?
Is this Life? Still not answered...............
Some say life is about doing whatever your heart says, for some it’s all about competing & winning, for some it’s about spreading love, for some it’s about just passing time, for some it’s about exploring the world in whatever limited time we have, for some it’s about spirituality, for some it’s about serving others, for some it’s about achieving what they want, for some it’s about staying calm and accepting whatever comes along and for others it’s about keep complaining.
For some, life is about ‘this happened to me’ and for others it’s about ‘making this happen’.
Intellectuals with wisdom say that it’s about striking a balance in all these aspects. But is it actually the case? No, because hardly anybody stops and gives it a thought that what life is, where is it heading to. And if they do not even think, how can they strike a balance at all.
:) Life, what is it? Stillllll not answered.
I recently met an old friend of mine after a long time. He is working with a good company and is earning good for his livelihood. I asked him how is life and the reply was quite different from what I expected. He was not happy and all complaining about life. I was dazzled by his response, because for me he was living a life which many aspire to. Then while we chatting, a waiter was listening to us. He probably listened to all we were discussing and all my friend has to complain about.
The waiter came to us and asked for permission to say something, he signalled towards a huge mirror finished building in front of the restaurant. It was a hot afternoon with temperature at around 45 degrees, he signalled towards a man who was cleaning the exterior mirrors of some 20th floor of the building and was hanging just by a rope tied to a hook on the top floor. His body was bare and under full impact of the crouching sun. And the waiter said only one sentence “sir, I guess it will give you enough reason to love the life you are living and stop complaining”. Here we were, perplexed by the sheer simplicity with which the waiter answered the question I was seeking answer for.
What is it? Can anybody answer.......?
Well at least I cannot even if I try. It sometimes is in our hands and sometimes it is not, We are born in a family not chosen by us, grow up in surroundings not chosen by us, meet people we confront and again at some level not chosen by us. But we do choose how to treat or behave with the family we get, we choose how to react on the surroundings we get, and choose to absorb what we want to from the people we confront.
Often surges the dilemma that who is to be blamed or held responsible in case something goes wrong or some change occurs, but is it the right question to ask?
Shouldn’t we ask that why at all someone has to be blamed or held responsible? Why somebody has to take the responsibility? Why can’t we just take the situation as a learning experience and come out as wise beings evolving with each passing moment, each passing experience, each passing mistake, each passing success or each passing defeat. Why at all is this blame game................?
Is this Life? Still not answered...............
Some say life is about doing whatever your heart says, for some it’s all about competing & winning, for some it’s about spreading love, for some it’s about just passing time, for some it’s about exploring the world in whatever limited time we have, for some it’s about spirituality, for some it’s about serving others, for some it’s about achieving what they want, for some it’s about staying calm and accepting whatever comes along and for others it’s about keep complaining.
For some, life is about ‘this happened to me’ and for others it’s about ‘making this happen’.
Intellectuals with wisdom say that it’s about striking a balance in all these aspects. But is it actually the case? No, because hardly anybody stops and gives it a thought that what life is, where is it heading to. And if they do not even think, how can they strike a balance at all.
:) Life, what is it? Stillllll not answered.
I recently met an old friend of mine after a long time. He is working with a good company and is earning good for his livelihood. I asked him how is life and the reply was quite different from what I expected. He was not happy and all complaining about life. I was dazzled by his response, because for me he was living a life which many aspire to. Then while we chatting, a waiter was listening to us. He probably listened to all we were discussing and all my friend has to complain about.
The waiter came to us and asked for permission to say something, he signalled towards a huge mirror finished building in front of the restaurant. It was a hot afternoon with temperature at around 45 degrees, he signalled towards a man who was cleaning the exterior mirrors of some 20th floor of the building and was hanging just by a rope tied to a hook on the top floor. His body was bare and under full impact of the crouching sun. And the waiter said only one sentence “sir, I guess it will give you enough reason to love the life you are living and stop complaining”. Here we were, perplexed by the sheer simplicity with which the waiter answered the question I was seeking answer for.
Friday, May 21, 2010
There are times in life when we live the moment of sheer satisfaction of achieving something, the moments which capture our mind and soul n make us forget everything else around.
These are very crucial moments, not only because of they arrived as an outcome of drudgery went in to achieving something but also because they take the real test of a person. A person is sure to get excited over an achievement and he might behave in two ways over it.
He may feel humble and thankful towards god n towards those who helped him in the journey or he might end up developing a rude behavior belittling everyone around him. Here exists a very thin line between these behaviors and the person is not able to discern it as he gets trapped within his own feelings.
There have been times where I have got caught in similar situations.
We set a target, we work hard to achieve it and meanwhile the almighty also helps us move in right direction by making us read his omens, we achieve the target n move towards working for another one. And between this, the “I” starts developing (while we r unaware of its existence). we become overconfident and rude n start emitting negative vibes while living in false self assumed happy life..
But he (the almighty) has his own bigger scheme in place :) subsequently the Almighty
Puts the person in a situation where he desperately desire something from his heart, but the circumstances are such that they don’t let him achieve it…He tries hard but fails, Now he feels disgust over what he assumed to be his power (coz he feels no use of it) This is the moment where the person realizes the presence of the greater being, the being who is the ultimate source n the ultimate destination of all other beings. He bows down n completely surrenders to the almighty realizing his mistakes….And yes as always he is forgiven :)
Isn’t it relates to us all?
We all commit such mistakes at some point of time, and the almighty teaches us in similar way….
But the most important thing to realize is, that HE was there when we were working hard (showing us the omens), HE was there when we felt happy after achievement (giving us blessings), HE was there when we went wrong out of overconfidence (showing us the bigger truth of life)……
He was there, he is here n he will be there……
These are very crucial moments, not only because of they arrived as an outcome of drudgery went in to achieving something but also because they take the real test of a person. A person is sure to get excited over an achievement and he might behave in two ways over it.
He may feel humble and thankful towards god n towards those who helped him in the journey or he might end up developing a rude behavior belittling everyone around him. Here exists a very thin line between these behaviors and the person is not able to discern it as he gets trapped within his own feelings.
There have been times where I have got caught in similar situations.
We set a target, we work hard to achieve it and meanwhile the almighty also helps us move in right direction by making us read his omens, we achieve the target n move towards working for another one. And between this, the “I” starts developing (while we r unaware of its existence). we become overconfident and rude n start emitting negative vibes while living in false self assumed happy life..
But he (the almighty) has his own bigger scheme in place :) subsequently the Almighty
Puts the person in a situation where he desperately desire something from his heart, but the circumstances are such that they don’t let him achieve it…He tries hard but fails, Now he feels disgust over what he assumed to be his power (coz he feels no use of it) This is the moment where the person realizes the presence of the greater being, the being who is the ultimate source n the ultimate destination of all other beings. He bows down n completely surrenders to the almighty realizing his mistakes….And yes as always he is forgiven :)
Isn’t it relates to us all?
We all commit such mistakes at some point of time, and the almighty teaches us in similar way….
But the most important thing to realize is, that HE was there when we were working hard (showing us the omens), HE was there when we felt happy after achievement (giving us blessings), HE was there when we went wrong out of overconfidence (showing us the bigger truth of life)……
He was there, he is here n he will be there……
Monday, May 10, 2010
Slow down n hear.....
Just back from the Park, today wasn’t like the usual daily visit. Though nothing miraculous happened but sometimes you stop n observe things (which r same as always) from different perspective. Similar was the case with me today,
Took a few rounds of the park, got tired n took a bench to sit n relax (this too as always).
But today was a different day, I felt closer to the Mother Nature and realized that it has its own unique omnipresent way to teach us the art of living life.
Whether it is the children playing around, the way they get fully absorbed in the play, the way their faces gets filled with divine ecstasy on all little (sweet) achievements forgetting the world around them, who reminds how we have long forgotten to enjoy small things in life n the art of doing one thing at a time giving fully to it.
Or the huge old trees. Standing tall in all odd n atrocious conditions still looking aesthetic, who reminds how much "is" perseverance important to succeed in life.
The water flowing in the fountain, as if its saying that “ I have traveled mountains as a river, flown down as rain only for you” , Telling how pure n lovely is to dedicate oneself completely for others.
Beautiful shining starts in the sky, making their presence felt from far away by burning themselves, signifying “distances doesn’t matter, difficulties doesn’t matter” if you have the will you too can shine one day.
Birds flying high in the sky, with full faith that their wings wont let them down even at further heights, showing that any n every thing is achievable if you have confidence in your capabilities.
And the most important thing, with such activities taking place n numerous things taking their toll, It (nature) still maintains its calmness n serenity, depicting the importance of being always humble n down to earth (no matter what so ever you become).
I learnt it today “Read the omens n listen what the nature has to tell” , life will become easy n beautiful…… :)
Took a few rounds of the park, got tired n took a bench to sit n relax (this too as always).
But today was a different day, I felt closer to the Mother Nature and realized that it has its own unique omnipresent way to teach us the art of living life.
Whether it is the children playing around, the way they get fully absorbed in the play, the way their faces gets filled with divine ecstasy on all little (sweet) achievements forgetting the world around them, who reminds how we have long forgotten to enjoy small things in life n the art of doing one thing at a time giving fully to it.
Or the huge old trees. Standing tall in all odd n atrocious conditions still looking aesthetic, who reminds how much "is" perseverance important to succeed in life.
The water flowing in the fountain, as if its saying that “ I have traveled mountains as a river, flown down as rain only for you” , Telling how pure n lovely is to dedicate oneself completely for others.
Beautiful shining starts in the sky, making their presence felt from far away by burning themselves, signifying “distances doesn’t matter, difficulties doesn’t matter” if you have the will you too can shine one day.
Birds flying high in the sky, with full faith that their wings wont let them down even at further heights, showing that any n every thing is achievable if you have confidence in your capabilities.
And the most important thing, with such activities taking place n numerous things taking their toll, It (nature) still maintains its calmness n serenity, depicting the importance of being always humble n down to earth (no matter what so ever you become).
I learnt it today “Read the omens n listen what the nature has to tell” , life will become easy n beautiful…… :)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
A lil of heart to it....
Almost each passing day, each passing decision, each passing step taken we often get in to dilemma of “Right or wrong”. No body lets you become brave enough to consider something from your heart without making you evaluate on basis of terms like ‘moral-immoral, ‘right-wrong’, ‘socially acceptable-not acceptable’.
Very first thing, are we actually born to live our life? or just born to comply with the so called acceptable norms n values circumscribing us. It looks as if we are born to add to the number[ :( yaha bhi] which support n justifies socially formulated rules and regulations.
To be very frank the very concept of ‘right or wrong’ is intricate. The question is who Is the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong, Its not written any where and even if it is written( laws) then who has written it, we only have written it.
What is ‘right’? I would link it to mass perception, if a significant section of people consider something acceptable then it becomes ‘right’ and every thing else deviating from it is wrong. This is how laws are made; this is how social norms n values are set.
So, what if you get in to such dilemma .When your heart says it n you feel internally convinced for something but it is ‘wrong’.
Well my way of doing is that I relax for a while and ask myself that am I ready to take responsibility of the aftermath and I make sure whatever I do it has the support of ma heart; coz then only I can surrender myself fully n enjoy doing it :)
No fun following rules which i don’t believe in and ma heart says no to :)
Very first thing, are we actually born to live our life? or just born to comply with the so called acceptable norms n values circumscribing us. It looks as if we are born to add to the number[ :( yaha bhi] which support n justifies socially formulated rules and regulations.
To be very frank the very concept of ‘right or wrong’ is intricate. The question is who Is the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong, Its not written any where and even if it is written( laws) then who has written it, we only have written it.
What is ‘right’? I would link it to mass perception, if a significant section of people consider something acceptable then it becomes ‘right’ and every thing else deviating from it is wrong. This is how laws are made; this is how social norms n values are set.
So, what if you get in to such dilemma .When your heart says it n you feel internally convinced for something but it is ‘wrong’.
Well my way of doing is that I relax for a while and ask myself that am I ready to take responsibility of the aftermath and I make sure whatever I do it has the support of ma heart; coz then only I can surrender myself fully n enjoy doing it :)
No fun following rules which i don’t believe in and ma heart says no to :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Going off road
“Ajmal Amir Kasab to be exact was finally convicted to death by the special court today”
Whole country is enjoying with his conviction finally declared and made official, Family of those affected and other people came on roads to show their emotions and the sense of achievement.
Well interesting to see hundred odd billion “Humans” enjoying n watching another human being sentenced to death. And the reason being stated is that this will give other like minded militants a lesson and they will abstain from such monster deeds .But does this reason hold base when people being talked about are the so called ‘holly worriers’ who are blinded by religion to such an extent that they are happily ready to die for it.
This logic goes beyond my understanding, how can you intimidate a person for not doing something by giving fear of death when he himself is voluntarily ready to kill and die.
And no offense for this statement coz I am also as patriotic for my country as you all are.
But such acts will instead rage more dissent and anger in already belligerent minds, because the base of terrorism is the feeling of hatred against other humans. So, we need to come out with a solution which targets this basic root of terrorism and yes catching & killing terrorists is not the right one.
In fact in my view the kasab case is the best ever opportunity to initiate in the right direction. Why not reform and rehabilitate him, and set an example to others that this (terrorism) is not the right path to tread upon. Others will be able to see that if such hardened militant can reform and understand the true meaning of humanity i.e. ‘love for all’ then why cant them. We can reform kasab and use him as a mediator and as a means to reach other militants, and show them the path to universal brotherhood,
As Jesus said ‘love is the only tool that can save humanity’, this was true at that time and it is relevant in present context also.
This was not intended to hurt any ones feeling, were just my personnel views :)
Whole country is enjoying with his conviction finally declared and made official, Family of those affected and other people came on roads to show their emotions and the sense of achievement.
Well interesting to see hundred odd billion “Humans” enjoying n watching another human being sentenced to death. And the reason being stated is that this will give other like minded militants a lesson and they will abstain from such monster deeds .But does this reason hold base when people being talked about are the so called ‘holly worriers’ who are blinded by religion to such an extent that they are happily ready to die for it.
This logic goes beyond my understanding, how can you intimidate a person for not doing something by giving fear of death when he himself is voluntarily ready to kill and die.
And no offense for this statement coz I am also as patriotic for my country as you all are.
But such acts will instead rage more dissent and anger in already belligerent minds, because the base of terrorism is the feeling of hatred against other humans. So, we need to come out with a solution which targets this basic root of terrorism and yes catching & killing terrorists is not the right one.
In fact in my view the kasab case is the best ever opportunity to initiate in the right direction. Why not reform and rehabilitate him, and set an example to others that this (terrorism) is not the right path to tread upon. Others will be able to see that if such hardened militant can reform and understand the true meaning of humanity i.e. ‘love for all’ then why cant them. We can reform kasab and use him as a mediator and as a means to reach other militants, and show them the path to universal brotherhood,
As Jesus said ‘love is the only tool that can save humanity’, this was true at that time and it is relevant in present context also.
This was not intended to hurt any ones feeling, were just my personnel views :)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
My first post on this account and at a time when my life is taking a new turn.A turn which i always aspired for but always considered a distant one.Finally converted call for IMNU(Nirma University), a great achievement for a average student like me. To be very frank i have never been very good at studies and quite a lazy person(don know how ill be able to manage rigorous schedule at imnu). But it is also not the case that i did not work hard to get it, i remember that time when i was in chandigarh and we used to make sittings of 10-11 hours a day to prepare for cat.Things did not turn up well in last season as i ended up with only 83 percentile in cat.
And yes that was the turning point, i attended a session arranged by Bulls Eye(institute i took cat coaching from) on Motivation taken by Mr Asiit Ghosh.He taught only one thing "live life in a terrific way n never never give up" , simple words but huge impact if implemented in life.
I came back to rohtak after that n joined MBA programme at IMSAR but i had it in my mind that this is not the place for me n i cant compromise with life(one life beautiful life TIME PASS nai karna yaar "tanu this is 4 u" ) and joined career launcher rtk in high spirits. Journey was tough as i had to manage living simultaneous lives. But when god is with you n u belive that "sincere efforts are always rewarded" then it is a constant source of internal conviction n keeps u focused.
Made few true friends in rohtak( life long i hope) who were a source of constant support both in studies n in KEEPING ME OFF STUDIES ;) ....
In an all, it has been a beautiful journey so far and i am determined that i ll keep working to keep it so... :)
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